Chariton Valley Electric Cooperative’s CEO/General Manager Elected to Safe Electricity Board
Chariton Valley Electric Cooperative (CVEC) congratulates Leilani Todd, CEO/General Manager of Chariton Valley Electric Cooperative, as she has been elected to serve on the Safe Electricity/Energy Education Council Board of Directors.
Safe Electricity is an internationally recognized leader in providing safety, efficiency and renewable energy information to its members. Safe Electricity was created and is supported by a diverse group of organizations united by mutually important consumer issues. Their mission is to create a safer, smarter world by providing life-saving, energy-saving and cost-saving information and resources.
With a rich history, Safe Electricity now serves more than 500 electric utility members representing 39 states. Their board includes representatives from investor-owned utilities, electric cooperatives, municipal electric utilities and the University of Illinois Extension. Their board is the primary forum for discussion, sharing and collaborating on vital issues and provides input on developing new program resources for its members. Each board member brings a wealth of industry knowledge, experience and know-how that provides direction for the non-profit organization’s growth and purpose. Although board members come from various utilities, educational backgrounds and represent different parts of the country, they all have one thing in common: a passion for electrical safety.
“This will be a tremendous benefit to CVEC. I do not doubt that as I serve, I will gain valuable insights and best practices to bring back to our cooperative and its employees,” said Leilani Todd, CEO/General Manager.
CVEC is proud to have our CEO/General Manager work with the Safe Electricity organization and its partners to represent the voices of all members and guide Safe Electricity/Energy Education Council in operations, finance, governance, communications, recruitment, programming, logistics and other matters.
Congratulations CEO/General Manager Leilani Todd!