Cooperatives are owned by the members who use them.
Your electric cooperative – Chariton Valley Electric Cooperative—was formed over 70 years ago by members just like you who needed electric services. They pulled together to organize your electric cooperative.
Today cooperatives are found in every state of the union and serve approximately 120 million people--nearly half of the population of the United States. Thirty-one million of that number are served by 1,000 electric cooperatives in 46 states. There are 36 electric cooperatives in Iowa, and Chariton Valley Electric Cooperative serves around 6,000 meters in the City of Albia and rural Appanoose, Davis, Lucas, Marion, Monroe, Wapello and Wayne counties.
Providing electric service the cooperative way distinguishes electric coops from investor owned and electric utilities. Electric co-op employees and board members are part of the communities the co-op serves, and they are involved in community activities and unique projects and events that need our help.
Cooperative members have a voice and a vote in cooperative matters. Plus any member residing on the cooperative's lines can qualify to be elected as a board member. And any profits realized by Chariton Valley Electric are returned to the members in the form of patronage capital.
Your cooperative adheres to the seven cooperative principles:
Voluntary and Open Membership
Democratic Member Control. Each member gets one vote
Members’ Economic Participation. Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their coop
Autonomy and Independence. Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members
Education, Training and Information. Co-ops provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, and employees, so they can develop their co-ops.
Cooperation Among Cooperatives. Cooperatives serve their members and work together amongst themselves to strengthen the cooperative movement
Concern for Community. While focusing on member needs, co-ops work for development of their communities.
Get involved with your cooperative
Go to the next annual meeting held in August
Vote for directors--or even run for an open position on the board
Or just let your voice be heard on an issue. We're here for you--and because of you!
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Service Area
Chariton Valley Electric serves around 6,000 homes and businesses in the City of Albia and portions of the seven Iowa counties of Appanoose, Davis, Lucas, Marion, Monroe, Wapello and Wayne. Over 1,300 miles of overhead and underground line are owned and maintained by Chariton Valley Electric.